I, personally, was rooting for Kirstie, so this was sad news to me. Not only did she have to suffer doing all those commercials about being over weight, but then she gets basically fired for not doing it well enough. Man, I think since she’s not getting any younger, she deserves the right to have some junk in her trunk….and I get so sick and tired of looking at people like Paris…who claim to eat Hardee’s or Burger King all the time and never gain weight or get flabby. I do wish that Kirstie had more success with Jenny than she did. Even I had a hard time believing she lost 75 pounds because to me looked exactly the same when she claimed she lost 50 pounds. But I had the faith she could get back to the way she was when she did Look Who’s Talking.
Even though Kirstie will no longer be the spokes person for Jenny Craig, the “Fat Actress” will continue to participate in the “maintenance program.” And of course they’re claiming their program works just as well as always despite Kirstie failing. I keep thinking that it would be awesome though, if Kirstie signed on with some other program, like NutriSystem, and really got the results she wanted. That would be some awesome revenge now wouldn’t it?! Yeah.