“The Rox bindi will cost 21,000 pounds. My bindi was just costume jewellery in lookalike rubies and diamonds,” the Sun quoted her as saying.
“But whether it's made of diamonds or glass, wearing a bindi makes a girl feel extra special. I love bindis. When I was growing up in Hamilton, I had an Indian pal and I used to wear hers. It's like a 'finishing touch' when you're all glammed up. I think bindis are lucky and I always feel lucky when I'm wearing one,” she stated.
Rox, who are sponsoring the Miss Scotland contest, are using their top designer Christina Tagore to make the stunning Miss Scotland bindi. “It's made from 18-carat yellow gold, with a stunning, flawless one-carat pear-cut diamond,” Tagore said. “It will be a work of art,” she added.
The bindi is the most fascinating and mystical of all Indian body decoration, and Hindus place great importance on this ornate mark on the forehead between the eyebrows, a major nerve point from ancient times for prosperity and good luck.