While you may be screeching with the question “why did they do that!” after watching the movie, we are equally clueless! Daniel says that the day before they were to shoot it, his director had informed him of this weird idea of being naked. For grace’s sake or for sake of getting an all-age certificate, Emma was given a silver-colored bra for the shot.
And what does Daniel have to say about the scene and the chemistry they shared over it? He’s all cool. He’s gone to the extent of saying that the kiss was as simple as kissing his sibling only! Now that, we say, is some statement! Daniel, who has no sister of his own, says, the absence of one in his life makes him think it was so simple, and, passion-less!
But then, at another interview, he has said that Emma was all charged up and behaved like an ‘animal’ (you may read: passionate) while the scene was being shot. Well then, why this back-tracking Daniel?