Diane, a 58-year-old martial arts teacher, was the first to meet Philippe. Diane and Philippe quickly became serious and decided to move in together. When Philippe lost his job, Diane hired him as an instructor at her martial arts studio and started paying for most of his bills. Diane tells Oprah that Philippe's money problems put a strain on their relationship. Eventually, he started pulling. Diane broke up with Philippe when she discovered he was cheating.
A few days later, she went to the gynecologist for a routine exam and found that she was infected with sexually transmitted disease. Knowing that he had cheated, Diane decided to let the other women know that they too might have an STD. As she went back through his phone records, Diane realised the cheating had been worse than she thought. "He was dating nine other women at the time he was dating me," she says.
One of the women Diane called was Susan. "We compared notes, and some of the time that she'd been seeing him, I had been seeing him," Susan says. "Then she said, 'I have an STD, and I am certain that Philippe gave this to me.” After talking to Diane, Susan went to her doctor and got news even worse than she had feared. "I received a phone call after my testing from my doctor and she said, 'You have HIV,'" Susan says.
Later Diane got in touch with Megan, who lived across the street from Philippe and dated him for more than two years. Megan learned she was also infected with HIV and joined the crusade to stop Philippe. Together, the three women took down license plates and followed Philippe for at least six months.
Soon these three women found Sofia and Tricia, both infected by Philippe. Sofia tells Oprah that she never imagined he was cheating. Together these women filed a case against Philippe to stop him from infecting more innocent lives. Today, Philippe is behind the bars and all the women are learning to go on with their lives. "We can't look back. We can't change the past," Diane says. "We only have to look forward, and that's why we're trying to change the future for other women."
Watch these 5 women tell Oprah their horror story and how Philippe changed their lives forever on Tuesday, September 27, 8 pm only on Big CBS Love.